
DHA files price vs market value

DHA Files Daily Price Update

Latest Update on DHA Lahore Property Rates! 💰

Check out the newest rates for DHA Lahore Commercial and Residential files. Secure your future investment now! 📈🏡

Latest update file rate vista This Page : https://propertyguide.com.pk/file-rates/

DHA Lahore Commercial Files Prices Update

DHA Lahore Phase 6 CCA-3 Affidavit (4 Marla) 600 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 6 CCA-3 Affidavit (5 Marla) 750 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 6 CCA-3 Affidavit (6 Marla) 900 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 6 CCA-3 Affidavit (8 Marla) 1200 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 6 CCA-3 Affidavit (12 Marla) 2100 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 6 CCA-3 Affidavit (32 Marla) 6400 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 7  Affidavit (4 Marla)  Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 7  Allocation (4 Marla) 170 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 9 Prism Affidavit (4 Marla)  Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Prism Allocation (4 Marla) 225 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 9 Town Affidavit (4 Marla) 250 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 9 Town Allocation (4 Marla) 235 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 10 Affidavit (4 Marla) 170 Lacs

DHA Rahbar Lahore Sector 4 Affidavit (4 Marla) Not Available

DHA Lahore Phase 5 M-Extension Files Prices Update

DHA Lahore Phase 5 M-Extension (5 Marla) 70.00 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 5 M-Extension (10 Marla) 105 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 5 M-Extension (1 Kanal) 200 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 7 Residential Files Prices Update

DHA Lahore Phase 7 Affidavit (5-Marla)  Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Allocation (5-Marla) 39 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Allocation  (7-Marla) 54 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Affidavit (10-Marla) Call us for Best Rates
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Allocation (10-Marla)  Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Affidavit (1-Kanal) Not Available
DHA Lahore Phase 7 Allocation (1-Kanal)  Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block Residential Files Prices Update

DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block Affidavit (5-Marla) 50 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block Allocation (5-Marla) 48 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block Affidavit (10-Marla) Not Available
DHA Lahore Phase 8 Z Block Affidavit (1-Kanal) Not Available

DHA Phase 8 Ex Parkview Lahore Residential Files Prices Update

DHA Phase 8 Ex Parkview Lahore D Block Allocation (1 Kanal) 315 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 9 Town Residential Files Prices Update

DHA Town Lahore Affidavit (5 Marla) 60 Lacs
DHA Town Lahore Allocation (5 Marla) 53.00 Lacs
DHA Town Lahore Affidavit (10 Marla) 110 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 9 Prism Residential Files Prices Update

Prism DHA Lahore Phase 9 Affidavit (5-Marla)  Lacs
Prism DHA Lahore Phase 9 Allocation (5-Marla) 49.00 Lacs
Prism DHA Lahore Phase 9 Affidavit (10-Marla) Not Available
Prism DHA Lahore Phase 9 Allocation (10-Marla)  Lacs
Prism DHA Lahore Phase 9 Affidavit (1-Kanal) Not Available
Prism DHA Lahore Phase 9 Allocation (1-Kanal)  Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 10 Residential Files Prices Update

DHA Lahore Phase 10 Affidavit (5-Marla)   Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 10 Allocation (5-Marla)  35.00 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 10 Affidavit (8-Marla)  Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 10 Affidavit (10-Marla)   Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 10 Allocation (10-Marla)  59.00 Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 10 Affidavit (1-Kanal)   Lacs
DHA Lahore Phase 10 Allocation (1-Kanal)  88.25 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 10 Affidavit (2-Kanal)   Lacs

DHA Rahbar Phase 11 Sector-4 Residential Files Prices Update

DHA Rahbar Phase 11 Sector-4 Affidavit (5 Marla)  Lacs
DHA Rahbar Phase 11 Sector-4 Allocation (5 Marla) 36.50 Lacs

DHA Lahore Phase 13 (Ex DHA City) Files Prices Update

DHA Phase 13 Lahore (5 Marla)  28 Lacs
DHA Phase 13 Lahore (10 Marla) 43.75 Lacs
DHA Phase 13 Lahore (1 Kanal)  76.50 Lacs

DHA Bahawalpur Files Prices Update

DHA Bahawalpur Land Affidavit (10-Marla) 22.00 Lacs
DHA Bahawalpur Land Allocation (10-Marla) Not Available
DHA Bahawalpur Land Affidavit (1-Kanal) 34.25 Lacs
DHA Bahawalpur Land Allocation (1-Kanal)   Lacs
DHA Bahawalpur Sector-Z Affidavit (1-Kanal) 36.00  Lacs
DHA Bahawalpur Sector-Z Allocation (1-Kanal) 29 Lacs
DHA Bahawalpur Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla) 75 Lacs
DHA Bahawalpur Commercial Allocation (4 Marla) 68 Lacs

DHA Multan Phase-1 Files Prices Update

DHA Multan Land Affidavit E Block (05-Marla) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Affidavit (05-Marla) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Allocation (05-Marla) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Affidavit (10-Marla) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Allocation (10-Marla) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Affidavit E Block (10-Marla) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Affidavit (01-Kanal) Ballot Done
DHA Multan Land Allocation (01-Kanal) Ballot Done

DHA Gujranwala Files Prices Update

DHA Gujranwala Land Affidavit (05-Marla)   Lacs
DHA Gujranwala Land Allocation (05-Marla)  21.75 Lacs
DHA Gujranwala Land Affidavit (10-Marla)  Lacs
DHA Gujranwala Land Allocation (10-Marla)  35.75 Lacs
DHA Gujranwala Land Affidavit (1-Kanal)  Lacs
DHA Gujranwala Land Allocation (1-Kanal)  58.50 Lacs
DHA Gujranwala Commercial Affidavit (4 Marla)  Lacs

DHA Quetta Files Prices Update

DHA Quetta Open Affidavit (1-Kanal)  Lacs

DHA Quetta Barcode Affidavit (1-Kanal)  Lacs
DHA Quetta Unsuccessful Allocation (1-Kanal)  Lacs
DHA Quetta 2nd Ballot File (1-Kanal)   Lacs

Lake City Meadows Lahore (Ex State Life ) Files Prices Update

State Life Phase 2 Lahore (7 Marla) 31.50 Lacs
State Life Phase 2 Lahore (14 Marla) 57 Lacs

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